A blog by any other name..

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Where have I been? What have I been doing? And most importantly, why haven't I been blogging? Because I've been lazy, that's why. If you read Tammy's Blog you will, no doubt, have been aware of the fact that I am home alone this week. This has made me somewhat lazy and do very little besides watching TV and walking the dog. I did make a very nice red Thai curry the other day with beef and a bunch of other stuff. It was very spicy but above all, very tasty!
I've been having to get up a lot earlier this week so I can walk the dog before I go to work. Normally this is something that Tammy does, but since she's not here, I can't very well just leave the dog the keys to the house and tell him to walk himself. Getting up at 05:00 has its advantages, I just haven't figured out what they are yet. Getting into the office at 07:00 is nice though; it's really quiet since there's usually no one there yet. I have the whole floor to myself, at least for about half an hour to an hour.
Anyways, as much as I'd love to stay and chat, it's almost 05:45 and the dog still needs to be walked before I go the train station and make my way to work.
posted by Xander Soldaat at 05:43


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