A blog by any other name..

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Cool (new) stuff from Google Labs

I am not sure who still reads my blog, but I recently (yesterday) came across a new thing that Google is developing. It's called Google Reader and it allows you to read all your blogs and other news feeds online, from one single website. Now there is no need for a separate client. The best thing of all is that it can read your current client's list of feeds if it can be exported as an OPML file. The interface is still a little clunky, but I am sure it'll get better as time goes on. It works well under Linux and Windows, both with Firefox and Internet Explorer. Give it a try, you may even like it! Another nice thing that Google has is the customizable search/portal page. I know Yahoo! have it, too. If you're using GMail anyway, then this may be a nice alternative to My Yahoo!.
posted by Xander Soldaat at 07:20


I read your blog (or at least, the RSS feed).
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:09 PM  

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