A blog by any other name..

Monday, October 03, 2005


This morning as I got off the train, I noticed a very distinct smell. It was the odour of mothballs. Now, I understand that it's autumn and the coat you've had packed away in your closet has to come out to deal with the change in temperature. However, please be sure to read this before you take it outside. It's almost as bad as BO.
The office is really cold this morning and my fingers are freezing off. I am not sure who is in charge of the heating system here but I think he (or she, of course) should lay off the crack and start reading weather reports. Yes, I know that one's for Rotterdam and not Rijswijk, but it's pretty close. If it rains in Rijswijk, there's a good chance it's raining in Rotterdam, too.
posted by Xander Soldaat at 07:40


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